Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Yo-Yo Dieting: Are You Going Up and Down?

This week I decided to talk  little aabout Yo-Yo Dieting because, Lord knows I have done it for years.  I still find myself struggling. I feel that if I keep positive people and do positive devotionals, then it keep me motivated to continue....  I also find when people do yo-yo dieting; alot of the problem is because their goals are too high. They fail to meet their large weight goals or their long timed workouts because its almost impossible. Don't get me wrong- I want to lose weight fast too but over the years my goals have been too high. I am too hard on myself because I'm not reasonable. When I don't make those goals, I get depressed and I do emotionally eating. Then I really feel like a loser, and I quit trying and gain my weight back....again.

Go to fullsize imageIn the last couple of weeks, I have really worked on small goals and motivating myself. Looking at pictures of me being slim and then me currently, and it motivates me completely! I know deep down inside that I am not the person others see. I have lots of energy, lots of life left, and lots of love to spread. I have to love myself to change myself and keeping myself motivated; that gives me the edge to keep going. I hate working out, but once I start, I love it and I get energized to keep going. And then I want to workout more.

NO MORE YO-YO DIETING!!! No more telling myself that I can't!  As of this day, I have lost 9 lbs! Sometimes it is frustrated to only lose 1-2 lbs a week, but everyone tells me thats the healthy way. I know it is but my low self-esteem kicks in and says, " Why are you watching your food and exercising every day to every other day for that little bit of weight loss?" My answer is because IT ALL ADDS UP!!!  EVERY POUND COUNTS TOWARDS MY GOAL!!!

Take control of your life and stay motivated, however you can. Remember: You are worth it!!!! And, yes, I am too. I have to remember that every single day! God made me; ME and He loves me for who I am. He also knows who I am inside more than anyone. He knows what I can do and what I can accomplish.

Good luck and God bless!

"For I hold you by your right hand-I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.'" Isaiah 41:13

1 comment:

  1. Go Christian Go! You can do it!

    Love ya,
